
Monday, October 7, 2013

UI introduction 03 - Party and Character Card Info

Pressing the "パーティ" button will bring you to the party selection interface.

The first four slots goes to the main party members. The leader will be the what your friends or guest users get to use if they request your assistance in a battle.

If you drag the party to the left, you'll get to see the subs party. These characters are your substitute and will replace the characters in the main party who are dead.

In the top left corner, the yellow digits represents the current party cost (including the subs) vs the total available cost. Beneath it, the red digits represents the cards in your inventory vs the total inventory space.

Press a slot in the party set-up and you'll get to choose the characters to slot into your party.

Greyed out characters overlapped by a red bar means you can't slot the character into your part (usually due to cost). If the character is greyed out by a blue bar, that means it's the current character of the slot. You can see the position which the character is occupying in your party by checking out the red banner on the top left corner of the card (if they are in the party) Press the grey box below the blue bar to remove the character from the slot, though this option is not selectable if the character is the leader. If the character is selectable and has the 並び替え icon highlighted on the top, it means the character is in another slot in your party and you'll swap positions between the two.

The 控え確認 icon will bring you to your inventory list, while マップ brings you back to either the world map or the area map.

So onto the 控え確認 icon, you'll get to see your inventory list. Pressing the top left corner allows you to rearrange the sequence according to what you've chosen, like rarity and etc.

Pressing the top right corner of each card image locks and unlocks the card. Locking a card will make it unsellable and unfeedable. Lock your important cards with that function to prevent any screw ups.

戻る brings you back to the party selection page.

Pressing the "Info." icon will bring up the card info.

The base max level of a character will depend on the rarity. 1* cards has max level at 20, while each * rarity increase will boost the cap by 10. That makes SSR (5*) maxed at 60.

There are three growth types (成長タイプ): early (早熟), normal (普通) and late (晚成). Early growth gives the character great stats growth in the early levels, but it gets lesser as the character levels up. For late, the character has shit stats growth in the early levels, but the stats increase accelerates as their level increases. Moreover, late growth character needs lesser total exp than early and normal to hit the max level. It's worth noting that the growth type will only determine the exp required and the graph of the stats growth. It has no impact over the final stats at maxed level.

限界突破, or limit break, is a function in the game where you increases the cap to the max level of your character. This is done by feeding the same character card to the host. Each limit break will increase the max level by 5, and you can limit break 4 times. This means the maximum possible level of a character is 20 more than the base.

The max level of a limit broken character will be displayed as green. If you limit break the character four times, it will be shown as red instead.

Cost is well, the cost required for the card in your party.

The white box shows the weapon equipped to the character, as well as the weapon type in Kanji. The lowest rank for a weapon is C rank, while the highest is A. When feeding equipment to the character, you have to feed a weapon that is of the same rank or a rank higher than the current equipped weapon. This means you'll have to go C->B->A. The types of weapon will be covered later in the Synthesis section.

Pressing the white box will bring up the weapon stats which offers the following bonuses - attack bonus, critical rate, defence bonus and ability. Yellow bars indicates the upgraded slots while black bars shows room for improvement. Note that if you did not upgrade the slots of a weapon, a blank A rank weapon will only be as good as a blank C rank weapon. Again, will touch on them deeper later.

The skill indicates the special move you get to use in the battlefield. There's also information on the mana cost of the skill on the top right corner.

Ability are the passives of the character. Activated abilities are shown in gold, while locked abilities are shown in dark silver. 1* to 3* characters can only have a maximum of 1 ability, while 4* and 5* have 2 abilities. Abilities, if locked, must be unlocked by quests, most of which have special requirements before the quest is available to the players.


If available, the Quest box will appear showing the character quest. If all conditions are fulfilled, the "GO!" button will turn pressable and you will be brought straight to the place to start your quest.

Profile is well, tidbits about the character. Scrolling way down and you'll see the illustrator as well as the seiyuu for the card.

ドラマ再生 replays the quests you've cleared on the character. 強化する will bring your character to the Synthesis UI where you can buff your character.

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